
  • Olympia is an Archeological Site in the Peloponnese in southern Greece, which was the location of Elis, the Sacred Grove. The Ancient Olympic Games were held here every four years between 776 BCE until 393 CE.
  • It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, located 6 miles (10 km) east of Pyrgos and was in the Roman Province of Achaea.

Archeological Site of Olympia

  • The Site once had 70 buildings, of which the Ruins of some can still be seen.
    • Temple of Zeus
    • Palaestra of Olympia
    • Temple of Hera
      • where the Olympic Flame is still lit on the Altar.
    • Mitroon
      • a Temple dedicated to Rea-Cybele
    • Nymfaion Aqueduct
    • The Stadium
      • with a capacity of 45,000 spectators
    • Baths
    • Gymnasium


  • Archeological Museum of Olympia
    • Located in the Archeological Site of Olympia.
    • The museum holds the Finds from the excavation of the Sanctuary of Zeus, such as the Nike of Paionios (c.425 BCE) and the Hermes of Praxiteles (4th century BCE). There are also Collections of Terracottas, Sculptures and Bronzes.

Sacred Grove of Elis

Statue of Zeus at Olympia

The Olympic Games

  • The Greeks held the Olympic Games here every four years without interruption from 776 BCE to 393 CE.
  • Only Free Citizens could compete, not Slaves.
  • In 146 BCE Greece fell to the Roman Republic. The Romans were considered to be the descendants of the Greeks and so were invited to participate in the Olympic Games.
  • Up until this point, the Olympics had been an amateur sport. The Romans introduced professional athletes.
  • In 80 BCE the Roman General Sulla moved the Games to Rome, but in 76 BCE, after his death, they returned to Greece.
  • During The Roman Empire, they continued as the Roman Olympic Games.
  • When Roman Citizenship was extended to the Provinces in 212 CE, competitors from all over the Roman Empire were able to attend the Roman Olympic Games.

Olympia and Mount Olympus

  • It is easy to confuse the two, but they are very different and very far apart.
    • Mount Olympus
      • This was the home of the Greek Gods, the Twelve Olympians.
      • The Mountain is located in central Greece, 100 miles (160 km) west of Thessalonica.
    • Olympia
      • This was the home of the Sacred Grove of Elis and the Ancient Greek Olympic Games.
      • It is located in the Peloponnese of southern Greece.


Archeological Site of Olympia, Elis, Greece

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