
  • An Oracle, in the Ancient World, was where the Gods spoke directly to a Priest or Priestess, who gave a Prophecy. But thet were few and required a long journey to get to them.
  • However, a Seer in the Ancient World, was also a master of the art of divination, as were the Oracles, but the Seers were widespread and numerous, interpreted the signs sent by the Gods and simply gave a yes or no answer.


  • The most important Oracle in the Greek World was at Delphi, where the Priestess known as the Pythea gave Prophesies, believed to be directly from Apollo himself.

The Seven Oracles of the Ancient World

  • There were three Oracles in Ancient Greece, one in Asia Minor and three in Egypt. Each Oracle was dedicated to one of the Gods.  They appear to have been associated with the Seven Classical Planets.
    1. Delphi, Greece:
      • Apollo
      • Located in Achaea, it was the most famous Oracle in Ancient Greece and was dedicated to Apollo, the Sun. Delphi was considered by the Ancient Greeks to be the Navel (centre) of the World.
    2. Dodona, Greece:
      • Zeus Naios and Dione.
      • Located in Epirus, the Oracle of Dodona was dedicated to Zeus and Dione.
    3. Delos, Greece:
    4. Trophonius:
      • Zeus Trophonius.
      • Located in Achaea the Oracle was dedicated to Zeus.
    5. Karnak, Thebes:
      • Amun-Ra.
      • Thebes was considered to be ‘The Mother of all Oracles’ and held the Temple of Amun-Ra.
      • Thebes was the Capital and the Spiritual Centre of Upper Egypt, whilst Heliopolis was the Capital and Spiritual Centre of Lower Egypt.
    6. Behdet:
    7. Siwa Oasis:
      • The Oracle of Amun (Zeus to the Greeks)

Navel Stones

  • Navel Stones, known as ‘Omphalos’, have been found at many Oracle Sites.
  • Delphi was believed to be the ‘Navel’ of the world, and a navel stone was thought to allow direct communication with the Gods.



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