Orkney Monuments

  • The Orkney Bronze Age Monuments are located on the Mainland, in the Orkney Islands, Scotland.
  • They constitute The ‘Heart of Neolithic Orkney’, a Unesco World Heritage Site since December 1999 CE.

The Sites

  • Skara Brae (c.3,200-2,500 BCE)
    • A Neolithic village of ten stone houses.
  • Standing Stones of Stenness (c.3,000 BCE)
    • The remains of a circular Henge Monument with originally 12 standing stones formed into an ellipse, of which only 4 stones remain today.
  • Maeshowe (c.2,800 BCE)
    • A Passage Grave inside a large Mound, where the Sun aligns into the inner chamber on the Winter Solstice.
  • Ring of Brodgar (c.2,500-2,000 BCE)
    • The remains of a Henge Monument with originally 60 stones set in a circle, of which only 27 remain today.

Bronze Age Monuments


Ring of Brodgar, Orkney Islands:

2500 BCE
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