Parallel Lives

  • Parallel Lives (also known as ‘Roman Lives’) is a Work written by the Greek Historian Plutarch (c.46-c.120 CE).
  • The Work consists of 24 paired Biographies of famous Men, one Greek and one Roman.

The 24 Parallel Lives

  1. Theseus and Romulus
  2. Lycurgus and Numa Pompilius
  3. Themistocles and Camillus
  4. Solon and Poplicola
  5. Pericles and Fabius Maximus
  6. Alcibiades and Coriolanus
  7. Epaminondas and Scipio Africanus or Aemilianus (Lost)
  8. Phocion and Cato the Younger
  9. Agis and Tiberius Gracchus
  10. Cleomenes and Gaius Gracchus
  11. Timoleon and Aemillius Paullus
  12. Eumenes and Sertorius
  13. Aristides and Cato the Elder
  14. Pelopidas and Marcellus
  15. Lysander and Sulla
  16. Pyrrhus and Marius
  17. Philopoemen and Titus Flamininus
  18. Nicias and Crassus
  19. Cimon and Lucullus
  20. Dion and Brutus
  21. Agesilaus and Pompey
  22. Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar
  23. Demosthenes and Cicero
  24. Demetrius and Mark Anthony

The Text

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