
  • Pentapolis meant ‘The Five Cities’ in Greek and referred to a group of cities in North Africa.
  • The area was named Cyrenaica after the founding of the first city Cyrene in 631 BCE. It later became the Roman Province of Cyrenaica.


  • After 332 BCE, the area came under the control of Greek occupied Egypt.
  • In 96 BCE, Ptolemy Apion bequeathed the Pentapolis to Rome in his will, since he died without heirs.
  • In 78 BCE it was officially made the Roman Province of Cyrenaica.
  • In 69 BCE it was united with Crete to become Cyrenaica and Crete.

The Five Cities

  1. Cyrene and its Port Apollonia (Marsa Susa) 631 BCE was founded by Greek colonists from Thera.
  2. Arsinoe or Teuchira (Tocra)
  3. Euesperides or Bernice (near Benghazi)
  4. Balagrae (Al Bayda)
  5. Barci (Al Marj)


Cyrene, Libya

631 BCE
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