
  • The Pharaoh was the King and Ruler of Ancient Egypt. The Pharaohs are divided into 31 Dynasties or Periods, dating from c. 3,100 to 30 BCE.
  • Under the Pharaohs, the capital of Egypt was either ThebesMemphis or Tell el-Amarna.


  • The first 30 Dynasties were listed by Manetho (c.323-246 BCE).
  • Manetho was the Chief Priest and Historian at the Temple of Ra-Atum in HeliopolisEgypt. He was an Egyptian, but he wrote in the Greek language.

The Dynasties

  • Dynasties 1-3:
    • Early Dynastic Period (2950-2575 BCE)
  • Dynasties 4-8:
    • Old Kingdom (2575-2150 BCE)
  • Dynasties 9-11:
    • First Intermediate Period (2150-1975 BCE)
  • Dynasties 11-14:
    • Middle Kingdom (1975-1640 BCE)
  • Dynasties 15-17:
    • Second Intermediate Period (1640-1620 BCE)
  • Dynasties 18-20:
    • New Kingdom (1520-1075 BCE)
  • Dynasties 21-24:
    • Third Intermediate Period (1075-653 BCE)
  • Dynasties 25-30:
    • Late Period (653-332 BCE)
  • Dynasty 31:

The Periods

  • Early Dynastic Period. (3,100-2,686 BCE)
  • Old Kingdom. (2,686-2,181 BCE)
    • Khufu (Cheops) (c. 2,589-2,566 BCE)
    • Khafre (Cephren) Cheop’s son (c. 2,558-2,532 BCE).
    • Menkaure (Mycerinus) Cheop’s son (c. 2,530 BCE)
    • Djedefre (Ratoises) Cheop’s son (c. 2,528-2,520 BCE).
  • First Intermediate Period. (2181-2055 BCE)
  • Middle Kingdom. (2055-1650 BCE)
  • Second Intermediate Period. (1650-1550 BCE)
  • New Kingdom. (1550-1069 BCE)
    • Eighteenth Dynasty:
      • Hatshepsut (1479-1458 BCE)
      • Thutmose III (1479-1425 BCE) Coregent with Hatshepsut. c.1457 BCE Battle of Megiddo
      • Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) (c.1353-1335 BCE) The ‘heretic Pharaoh’ married to Queen Nefertiti.
      • Smenkhkare (c.1335-1334 BCE)
      • Neferneferuaten (c.1334-1332 BCE) (possibly Queen Nefertiti)
      • Tutankhamun (c.1332-1323 BCE) son of Akhenaten.
      • Ay (1323-1319 BCE) Grand Vizier to Tutankhamun.
    • Nineteenth Dynasty:
      • Ramesses I (1292-1290 BCE)
      • Set I (1290-1279 BCE)
      • Ramesses II (Ramesses The Great) (c.1279-1213 BCE)
      • Merneptah (1213-1203 BCE)
      • Seti II (1203-1197 BCE)
      • Amenmesse (1201-1198 BCE)
      • Siptah (1197-1191 BCE)
      • Queen Twosret (1191-1189 BCE)
    • Twentieth Dynasty:
  • Third Intermediate Period (1069-654 BCE)
  • The Late Period (664-332 BCE)
  • Ptolemaic Dynasty (305-30 BCE)

The Divisions

  • Egypt was divided into Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt:
  • Ancient Egypt was originally two different Kingdoms with different dialects and customs, which were eventually united together by the Pharaohs, around 3,100 BCE.
  • Egypt consisted of the Nile Delta and two narrow strips of land on either side of the Nile.
    • Lower Egypt
      • Included the Nile Delta and had 20 Nomes or Divisions which were numbered 1 to 20 from south to north in each area. Memphis (near Cairo) was Nome number 1.
    • Fort Babylon
    • Middle Egypt
      • The area between Cairo and the Qena Bend is sometimes known as Middle Egypt, although technically it is a part of Upper Egypt.
    • Upper Egypt
    • Nomes
      • Each Division was then subdivided into Nomes based on City States. This system had remained virtually unchanged for 3,000 years until the Reforms of Diocletian in 307-8 CE, when they were subdivided into smaller units called Pagi.

Ptolemaic Dynasty (332-30 BCE)

Roman Egypt (30 BCE – 642 CE)


Memphis (Ruins)

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