Pharaoh’s Chicken

  • The Pharaoh’s chicken was the ancient Egyptian term for the Egyptian vulture.
  • It was a Royal Bird protected under Egyptian Law.

Symbol of Royalty

  • They were a symbol of Royalty in Ancient Egypt and held sacred to Isis. As such they were protected under Pharaonic law and were a common sight in Egyptian towns.
  • Which is how they became known as the Pharaoh’s chicken.
  • The vulture symbol was used in the Hieroglyphic Alphabet


  • South western Europe, Northern Africa, Egypt, the Middle East, India.


  • The population living in cooler climates migrate south, but not populations already living further south.
  • The routes are from Spain across the Straits of Gibraltar into Morocco, From Italy across Sicily and Pantelleria into Tunisia, and from Turkey down through the Levant.


  • Carrion and small animals or birds. They will also eat dung.

Use of tools

  • They will use pebbles to break open bird’s eggs, and twigs to roll wool for their nests.


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