Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona, Rome
  • The Piazza Navona is a popular Square in Rome which holds three fountains and the Agonalis Obelisk.
  • It was previously known as the Circus of Agonalis and the Stadium of Domitian, and was where the ‘Agones’ or ‘Games’ were held in Rome. The oval outline of the Stadium is marked by kerb stones.

Getting There

  • Location: Piazza Navona, Rome.
  • Nearest Metro Station: Barberini, Line A. Bus 62, 100.

The Sites

  • Circus of Agonalis
    • The Circus of Agonalis, also known as the Stadium of Domitian, and now known as the Piazza Navona, was where the ‘Agones’ or ‘Games’ were held in Rome.
  • Fontana dei quattro Fiumi (1651)
    • Meaning Fountain of the Four Rivers was created in 1651 for Pope Innocent X.
    • It holds the Agonalis Obelisk.
  • Agonalis Obelisk (81 CE)
    • In the middle of the fountain is a the Agonalis Obelisk or Obelisk of Domitian, which is a Roman copy of an Egyptian Obelisk, commissioned by Domitian.
  • Fontana del Moro (1575)
    • The fountain was created in 1575 and has a basin with four Tritons to which, in 1873, a statue of a Moor wrestling with a dolphin was added.
  • Fontana di Nettuno (1574)
    • The Fountain of Neptune was created in 1574 and the statue of Neptune was added in 1878.


Photo and Map: Piazza Navona

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