Pirates of Crete


  • During the Macedonian Wars between Macedonia and Rome, Crete sided with Philip V of Macedon.
  • Crete became a Pirate Island during the Civil War between Knossos, Cydonia and Gortyna.
  • The Pirates of Crete controlled Cape Maleas, the southernmost tip of the Peloponnese, which all shipping between Italy and Greece had to pass around.
  • The Rhodian Navy pursued these Pirates until 154 BCE.
  • In 201 BCE the Pirates were allied with Philip V of Macedon and fought against Rhodes in the Battle of Chios.
  • Rome unsuccessfully intervened with Ambassadors in 184, 180 and 174 BCE.
  • In 154 BCE Rhodes invaded Crete unsuccessfully and Rome‘s influence increased.
  • Piracy now became the dominant occupation during second and first century BCE in Crete.
  • They were joined by the Pirates of Cilicia who were allied with Mithridates VI of Pontus against Rome.

Other Pirates



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