Pliny the Younger

  • Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus (61-112 CE), also known as Pliny the Younger, was a Roman Lawyer, Judge, Politician and Author.
  • Pliny the Elder was his uncle, who adopted him as his heir in his will. Pliny the Younger was friends with Tacitus and Suetonius.


  • 81 CE Tribunus Militum Legio III Gallica, Syria.
  • c.88 CE Quaestor Imperatoris attached to the Imperial Staff.
  • 91 CE Tribunus Plebis, Tribune of the People.
  • 93 CE Praetor
  • 94-95 CE Prefectus Aerarii Militaris
  • 98-100 CE Prefectus Aerari Saturni
  • 100 CE Consul with Cornutus Tertullus
  • 103 CE Propraetor of Bithynia
  • 103-104 CE Augur
  • 104-106 CE Curator Alvei Tiberis
  • 104-107 CE Member of Trajan‘s Judicial Council
  • 110 CE Imperial Governor of Bithynia et Pontus


  • Letters (Epistulae}:
    • Books 1-9 describe the Roman Administration, and includes the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 CE.
    • Book 10 describes the letters to and from the Roman Emperor Trajan.

Roman Government’s view on Early Christianity

  • Book 10, Letter 96: This correspondance relates to a request on how to deal with Christians if brought before the Courts.
    • The particular crime is not mentioned, but may relate to the refusal by Christians to take an Oath of loyalty.
    • Trajan‘s reply is that the Death penalty applies, but the accusations cannot be anonymous. Pliny is concerned about the rise in popularity of Christianity across the towns and countryside. Pliny writes that he will only execute Christians if they refuse three times to confirm their innocence.
    • The letter documents the Roman State’s attitude towards the Early Christian Church.
    • At this time the Roman State did not actively set out to persecute Christianity, but if the Christian refused to recant his Christianity he was executed. However, it appears from this correspondence that Christianity is not yet seen as a threat to the Roman State.

Other Authors on Early Christianity

  • Two other Roman authors, Tacitus, Suetonius write about events concerning Early Christianity:
    1. The Rebellion by Chrestus, after which Claudius (41-54 CE) reacted by expelling the Jews from Rome.
    2. 64 CE The Great Fire of Rome after which Nero treated the Christians very harshly.


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