Pompeius Trogus

  • Pompeius Trogus was a Gallo-Roman Historian, a Freedman of the Voconti Tribe in Gallia Narbonensis, who wrote about Greek History during the reign of Augustus (27 BCE-14 CE).
  • He was Secretary of Correspondence to Julius Caesar (100-44 BCE), then became a Historian under Augustus and was a contemporary of Livy (59 BCE-15 CE).


  • ‘Historiae Philippicae et Totius Mundi Origines et Terrae Situs’ (A lost work)
    • meaning ‘the Philippic Histories and the Origin of the Whole World and the Places of the Earth’.
    • although it is now lost, it consisted of 44 books mainly about the Macedonian Empire founded by Philip II, starting from the Creation and ending around 9 CE.
    • we know of it because Justin (4th century CE) wrote an Epitome of Trogus’ Works, consisting of a Summary of each of the 44 Books.


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