Population of Ancient Rome

  • The population of the city of Rome exceeded 1 million by first century CE.
  • By 47 CE, Roman Italy had 6 million citizens and the Roman Empire had 60-70 million citizens, excluding Italy.

The Four Classes in Roman Society

  1. Patrician:
    • The Patricians were the wealthy Roman Landowning Aristocracy, Their wealth came from ownership of huge Agricultural Estates known as Latifundia,
  2. Equestrian:
    • The Equites were the Roman Knights, who developed as a separate class after the Punic Wars (264-146 BCE). They owned a minimum property value of 50,000 Denarii, and later still under Augustus (27BCE-14 CE), of 100,000 Denarii.
  3. Plebeian:
    • Everyone else.
    • The lowest order of the Plebeians were the former slaves who formed a separate class called the Libertini, meaning Freedmen.
  4. Roman Slaves
    • The Slaves formed a fourth class. The Slave was the Property of his Master.


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