Porta Tiburtina

Porta Tiburtina, Rome
  • Porta Tiburtina also known as Porta San Lorenzo is a gate in the Aurelian Walls in Rome.

Getting There

  • Nearest Metro Station: Termini, Line A, Line B.


  • It was the starting point for the Via Tiburtina to Tivoli and Pescara.
  • Inside the Gate is the Arch of Augustus, built in 5 BCE to carry three Aqueducts, the Aqua MarciaAqua Julia and the Aqua Tepula, over the Via Tiburtina.
  • The Arch was later included into the Porta Tiburtina when the Aurelian Walls were built in 275 CE.
  • The Arch can no longer be used as today’s street level is now too high.


Photo and Map: Porta Tiburtina

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