Praying mantis

  • The Praying mantis is a predatory insect named for its folded forelegs which gives the impression that it is praying.
  • Its main habitat is in temperate and tropical zones around the globe which includes southern Europe, southern Africa and North America.


  • The Praying Mantis has two unique qualities:
    1. It is the only insect which can rotate its head independently through 180° while holding its body still.
    2. It is the only insect to have stereoscopic vision, which it achieves by having two large compound eyes on either side of its head.
  • The Ancient World, from Ancient Egypt to Assyria, believed that the Praying mantis held mystical powers. This was probably because it appears to be praying but probably also because of its unnerving ability to keep its body still whilst rotating its head to watch its prey or a person pass it by.


Southern Europe

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