Ptolemy’s Geographia

  • The Geographia is a chart of the known world by the Roman Geographer, Ptolemy.


  • Ptolemy produced a Chart of the World, the ‘Oikoumene’, based on a Chart by Marinus of Tyre.
  • ‘Oikoumene’ or ‘Ecumene’ was Greek for the ‘inhabited world’. The Term was used in Antiquity and the Middle Ages to describe a Chart of the known part of the inhabited world.
  • The earliest known Chart was by Eratosthenes (c.275-194 BCE).



  • Ptolemy based his Parallels of Latitude of the known World on the following:
    • Parallel of Thule (63° N)
      • He did not place this at 66 ° as had Eratosthenes. This was the most northerly known point, possibly Iceland.
    • Parallel of Rhodes (36° N)
    • Parallel of Syene (23° N)
    • The Equator (0°)
    • Parallel of Anti Meroe (16° S)
      • The most southerly known point on the African coast in the Gulf of Guinea.


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