
  • The Quaestor was a Roman Government Official involved in Public Finances.
  • It was the second rung on the career ladder of the Cursus Honorum.

The Duties of Quaestor under the Republic

  • Election
    • The Quaestors were Elected annually by the Comitia Tributa. Sulla increased their number to 20.
    • Minimum Age was 30 (28 for the Elite). A Quaestor wore the Togata Praetexta.
  • Duties
    • Three Types of Quaestor:
      1. An Official at Rome in the Financial Government.
      2. Provincial Governor’s number Two.
      3. Paymaster for a Legion (most prestigious)
    • They also Supervised at the Public Games.
  • Right to Veto
    • Any Decisions made by fellow Quaestors.
    • Could be overidden by the Aediles, Curule Aediles, Praetors, the Praetor Urbanus, Consuls, Tribune of the Plebs, or the Dictator and Magister Equitum.

Under the Empire

  • The Quaestors were no longer elected but appointed directly by the Emperor.


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