Queen Candace

  • Candace Amanirenus was Queen of Kush, the Kingdom on the southern border of Egypt.
  • She fought a war against the Roman Armies in Egypt for five years known as the Meroitic War (27-22 BCE).

Meroitic War (27-22 BCE)

  • Strabo describes the Meroitic War against Kush as lasting 5 years, by Queen Candace against the Roman Empire.
  • 26 BCE
    • The Prefect of Egypt, Aelius Gallus, marched south and invaded the Kushan Kingdom but was obliged to fall back due to epidemics.
  • 23 BCE
    • As a result of this weakness, Candace Amanirenus the Queen of Kush, prepared to invade Egypt and approached the Frontier at Elephantine Island with an Army.
  • 22 BCE
    • The new Prefect of Egypt, Gaius Petronius, hastily reinforced the depleted Legions, marched up the Nile and invaded Kush where he sacked Napata, Capital of the Kushans.
  • This ended any threat from the south for almost three centuries.


Napata (Karima), Sudan

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