Queen Hatshepsut

  • Queen Hapshepsut (1479-1458 BCE) was an Egyptian Pharaoh during the New Kingdom (1520-1075 BCE).
  • Hatshepsut built a Mortuary Temple at Deir el-Bahri, in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt. The walls describe a sea voyage to the Land of Punt to collect exotic Goods.


  • Queen Hatshepsut was the first Pharaoh of the New Kingdom (1550-1069 BCE) and started the Eighteenth Dynasty.
  • This is the same Dynasty as Tutankhamun (1332-1323 BCE).

Hateshepsut’s Temple

  • The Temple consists of three storeys of double colonnaded terraces, connected by long ramps, originally covered in gardens.
  • The Temple is aligned to the Winter Solstice.
    • A lightbox permitted the winter sun to penetrate the rear wall of the chapel, illuminating the statues of the Gods.
    • A second lightbox permitted the sun to penetrate a second chapel behind the first.

Land of Punt

  • She organised a voyage to the Land of Punt, described on the walls of her Temple at Deir el-Bahri.
  • The ships brought back exotic Goods, such as Elephants and Giraffes, along with trees of Frankincense and Myrrh, that were placed in gardens on the ramps of her Temple.

Senmut's Tomb

  •  Senmut, Queen Hatshepsut’s architect, built his own Tomb which is situated next to Hatshepsut’s Temple.


Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut, Valley of the Kings

1458 BCE
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