Ramesses III

  • Ramesses III (1186-1155 BCE), was an Egyptian Pharaoh who spent his Reign fighting the Sea Peoples.

 Attacks and Invasions by the Sea Peoples

  • In 1190 BCE, the great sea port of Ugarit was destroyed by the Sea Peoples.
  • In 1187 BCE, Rameses III (1194-1153 BCE) records the destruction of Kadesh by the Sea Peoples.
  • In 1180 BCE, He records an invasion of the Nile Delta by the Sea Peoples, where they were repulsed.
  • In 1178 BCE, Rameses III finally defeats the Sea Peoples and their ships are burnt by archers using flaming arrows, in front of the city of Xois, modern Sakha, in the Nile Delta.


Sakha (Xois)

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