Rape of the Sabine Women

  • The Rape of the Sabine Women, also known as the Abduction of the Sabine Women, was an event in Roman Mythology.
  • It involved the mass kidnapping of a neighbouring city’s womenfolk, the Sabine women, to provide wives for the new city of Rome.

The Myth

  • After founding the city of Rome, Romulus had a city that was full of men, but had no women.
  • To resolve the issue, Romulus held a festival and games and invited the neighbouring cities to join in, the largest group being the Sabines.
  • After a signal was given, the Roman men carried off all the marriageable Sabine women.
  • The neighbouring cities then went to war with Rome but, because they did not coordinate their attacks, Rome survived.

The Renaissance

  • During the Renaissance (15-16th centuries CE), this myth was frequently used as a subject for paintings and sculptures.
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