Res Gestae Divi Augusti

  • The Res Gestae Divi Augusti means ‘The Deeds of the Divine Augustus’. This refers to two Bronze Tablets written just prior to the death of Augustus (27 BCE-14 CE)
  • They list his achievements in extending Roman Rule over the Ancient World, of which stone copies were distributed around the Roman Empire.

The original Bronze Tablets

Stone Copies

  • There are three surviving stone copies, all in Turkey:
    1. Monumentum Ancyrum
      • The Temple of Augustus, Ankara, Turkey. Written on stone in Greek and Latin.
    2. Antioch of Pisidia, Turkey
      • In front of the Augusteum, located 1 mile (1.5km) northeast of modern Yalvac. Written on stone in Latin.
    3. Apollonia Ulluborlu, Turkey.
      • Written on a stone in Greek.


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