
  • Ribchester is a village located on the river Ribble near Preston in the County of Lancashire.
  • It was a Roman fort called Bremetennacum in Britannia and was occupied by a Sarmation Cavalry unit, which guarded the crossing on the Roman road over the river Ribble.

Ribchester Helmet

  • The Ribchester Helmet is a ceremonial Roman Cavalryman’s helmet, found as part of the Ribchester Hoard in 1796 CE.
  • The Helmet is one of only three Roman Ceremonial Helmets with a face covering found in Britannia.
  • These Helmets were used in cavalry tournaments known as ‘Hippika Gymnasia’.
  • The Helmet is now located with the Ribchester Hoard in Room 49 of the British Museum.

Ribchester Hoard

  • The Ribchester Hoard is a collection of metal artefacts found in Ribchester, Lancashire, in 1796 CE and now held in the British Museum in London.
  • The collection dates from the end of the 1st and beginning of the 2nd century CE.
  • The items were buried in a hollow 10 feet (3m) below the surface, and thought to have been stored originally in a wooden box. The artefacts probably all belonged to the same cavalryman.
  • Other artefacts in the Hoard were a bust of Minerva, several paterae (drinking bowls), pieces of a vase, pieces of two basins, several plates and other items.


Roman Roads



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