Roman Pantheon

The Six Male Gods

  1. Jupiter (Zeus)
    • King of the Gods and Ruler of Mount Olympus.
    • God of the sky and thunder. Married to Juno.
  2. Mars (Ares)
    • God of War.
    • Son of Jupiter (Zeus) and Juno (Hiera).
  3. Mercury (Hermes)
    • Messenger of the Gods.
    • God of commerce and thieves. Son of Jupiter (Zeus) and Maia.
  4. Neptune (Poseidon)
    • God of the Sea, earthquakes and horses.
  5. Vulcan (Haphaestus)
    • God of fire and the forge.
    • Son of Juno (Hiera) and possibly Jupiter (Zeus). Married to Venus (Aphrodite). Giving the latin word – volcano.
  6. Apollo (Apollo)
    • God of Light, Knowledge and Prophesy.
    • Son of Jupiter (Zeus) and Leto: Twin brother of Diana (Artemis).

The Six Goddesses

  1. Juno (Hiera)
    • Queen of the Gods. Goddess of marriage and family.
    • Married to Jupiter.
  2. Vesta (Hestia)
    • Virgin Goddess of the hearth, home and the family.
    • Her Temple was maintained by the Vestal Virgins
  3. Minerva (Athena)
    • Virgin Goddess of wisdom, handicrafts and strategic warfare and defense.
    • Daughter of Jupiter (Zeus) and Oceanid Metis.
  4. Ceres (Demeter)
    • Goddess of fertility, agriculture, the seasons and nature.
    • Daughter of Saturn (Cronus ) and Rhea. leading to the latin word – cereal.
  5. Diana (Artemis)
    • Virgin Goddess of the hunt, virginity, childbirth, animals and archery.
    • Daughter of Jupiter (Zeus) and Leto. Twin sister to Apollo. (Unmarried)
  6. Venus (Aphrodite)
    • Goddess of love, beauty and desire.
    • Daughter of Jupiter (Zeus) and Oceanid Dione. Married to Vulcan (Hephaestus) but had many affairs giving the latin term – venereal. The most well known affair was with Mars (Ares)

Capitoline TriadJupiterJuno and Minerva

  • In Rome and throughout Italy, a Capitolium, was a Temple dedicated to the Triad of Jupiter (King of the Gods), Juno (Queen of the Gods and Jupiter’s wife}, and their daughter Minerva (Goddess of wisdom).
  • The Temple of Jupiter in Rome housed the Triad, each God had a separate chamber (cella), with Juno on the left, Minerva on the right and Jupiter in the middle.

Livy’s Pairings


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