Roman Grand Tour

  • The Ancient Roman Patrician Class toured Greece, Asia Minor and Egypt to view the all the famous Temples and Tombs.
  • The Grand Tour was repeated in the 17th and 18th centuries by the Northern European upper classes as Neoclassicism became a popular Western cultural movement.

The Grand Tour by the Ancient Romans

The Itinerary

  • The Tour started from Rome and usually lasted for 2 years, but could last for up to five years.
  • In an early travel guide on Greece, Pausanius describes the Greek Cities, their Temples, Holy Places, Shrines and Tombs, Buildings, Battlefields, Statues and Works of Art.
  • The Grand Tour would have included six of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World:

A Roman Travel Guide

  • ‘The Description of Greece’
    • This  was an Ancient Roman Guide book written in 10 Books, which was published by Pausanius around 160 CE.
    • It was a Travel Guide to Ancient Greece, one of many guidebooks used by the Roman Upper Classes on the Roman Grand Tour.
    • In it Pausanius describes the Greek Cities, their Temples, Holy Places, Shrines and Tombs, Buildings, Battlefields, Statues and Works of Art.
    • Many other Guidebooks existed, but this is the only surviving Work.
  • Link to Perseus: ‘The Description of Greece’ by Pausanius 160 AD

Roman Souvenirs

  • The Romans could take home souvenirs by buying oil lamps, figurines, plaques and perfume bottles which had the images of the Temples, Gods and Monuments they saw engraved upon them.

Modern Works

  • ‘Pagan Holiday’ written by Tony Perrottet.


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