Roman Pizza

  • The Romans made various types of Pizza in their Bakeries.
  • Unleavened bread called Maza or Panis Focacius would be covered with various toppings and sold on the street.


  • ‘Maza’ was a flat unleavened bread made without yeast, by the Roman Bakery
  • This would be served with pickled fish, onions and a drizzle of Olive Oil and was very similar to today’s Pizza.

Panis Focacius

  • Panis Focacius was another flat bread, which was cooked in the ashes of the hearth and served with a topping of olive oil, spices and flavourings, It was also similar to modern Pizza.
  • Today, Focaccia Bread is derived from this style.

Other Roman Breads

  • Ordinary Leavened bread (using yeast).
  • Speciality Roman Breads:
    • ‘Picenum’
      • This was made with dried fruits in an earthenware mould which was broken after baking.
        It was served dipped in milk sweetened with honey.
    • Oil bread with Honey.
    • Cheese bread with Honey.
    • Suet bread with Honey.
    • Circular loaves sprinkled with poppy seeds.


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