Roman Provinces

  • The Roman Provinces (Latin: proviniciae) were administrative and territorial units of the Roman Empire.
  • The Provinces provided Taxes as a source of Income for Rome as well as the local Governor of the Province.

Roman Provincial Government

The Provincial Governor

Types of Province

  1. Proconsular Province List
    • Augustus decreed that there would always be ten Senatorial Provinces under a Proconsular Senator. who ruled without the Emperor’s intervention.
    • They had no Legions under their control with the exception of Africa Proconsularis which had the Legio III Augusta at Lambaesis.
  2. Propraetorial Province List
    • A Propraetorial Province was a Roman Province governed by a Propraetor.
    • It was either a Senatorial Province or an Imperial Province.
  3. Procuratorial Province List
    • These were usually newly occupied Lands in transition to becoming Imperial or Senatorial Provinces.
    • The Governor was an Imperial Procurator appointed by the Roman Emperor.

List of Provinces


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