
  • The Sahel is a band of Tropical Savanna that forms the southern border of the Sahara Desert.
  • The Mediterranean Ancient World traded with the central African Kingdoms of the Sahel by using Camel Caravans across the Sahara.


  • Marinus of Tyre constructed a World Map, with the southernmost parallel passing through the Land of Agisymba.
  • Acccording to Marinus of Tyre and Ptolemy, Agisymba was an African country four months travel south of the Fezzan, with large animals and high mountains, thought to be around Lake Chad.

The Garamantes

  • The Garamantes were a Berber Kingdom, developed in the Fezzan, the Sub-Saharan Region below Tripolitana.
  • They controlled the Trans Saharan Trade Routes between the Mediterranean Sea and the Sahel from 500 BCE to 700 CE.
  • In 19 BCE Septimius Flaccus invaded the Garamantes.
  • In 50 CE Suetonius Paulinus invaded the Garamantes for the second time and they became a Roman Client Kingdom until the third century CE. He used a Roman Camel Corps to cross the Sahara.
  • Between 82-93 CE the King of the Garamantes claimed Lordship over Agisymba.


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