Sala Colonia

  • Sala Colonia was a Roman port city in Morocco whose Ruins lie in Chellah, Old Rabat, part of Rabat, the capital of Morocco.
  • It was in the Province of Mauretania Tingitana and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


  • Sala Colonia was founded in c.40 CE on the mouth of the river Bou Regreg. Previously, the Phoenicians had also used the location as a port.
  • It was one of the Roman naval ports in Morrocco, the others being at Mogador (Essaouira) and Tangier (Tingis).

Roman Sites

  • Sala Colonia
    • The Ruins of Sala Colonia also has a 13th century CE Minaret and is the home to a flock of Storks.
    • Foundations of a three bay Triumphal Arch (139-161 CE)
    • Capitolium of Sala (c.120 CE on two terraces)
      • supported by nine vaulted arches on the decumanus maximus.
    • Decumanus maximus
    • Forum (Trajan 98-118 CE)
      • with honorary inscriptions to the Emperors and city notables
      • lower level with six shops and another road
      • foundations of two monumental gates enclosing the square
      • Capital with lotus flower design
    • Mosaic in the workshop area
    • Ruins of the Basilica and the Curia Ulpia
    • Ruins of the Public Baths
      • corner of the decumanus maximus and the cardo maximus
    • Octagonal Nympaeum
      • this was a Cistern fed by an Aqueduct


  • Museum of History and Civilisations
    • Located at Rue El Brihi, Rabat.
    • The museum holds an extensive collection of the archeological Finds from Morocco, including busts of Cato the Younger from the House of Venus and another of Juba II, both from Volubilis.

Roman Roads

Sala Colonia

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