
  • Gaius Sallustius Crispus (86-c.35 BCE) also known as Sallust, was a Roman Historian and Politician.
  • Sallust was Governor of the Province of Africa Nova.

Gardens of Sallust

  • An extensive Parkland that.
  • The Gardens of Sallust, also known as the ‘Sallustrian Gardens’, was an extensive landscaped Parkland in Rome next to the Quirinal Hill which was created by Sallust (c.86-35 BCE).
  • The Park originally belonged to Julius Caesar and Sallust bought it after he died.
  • It was subsequently bought and maintained by the Roman Emperors as a Public Park with Artworks on display.
  • Today, it is a private location for Events.


  • The Conspiracy of Catiline
  • Jugurthine War
  • Historiae
    • a history of Rome 78-67 BCE, mostly missing.
    • Unfortunately, ‘Historiae’ was his greatest work but is mostly lost. It was spoken of very highly by Tacitus, Quintillian and Martial.


35 BCE
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