
  • Salona is a Roman archeological Ruin which is located next to modern Solin, 3 miles (5km) northeast of Split in Croatia.
  • It became the capital of the Province of Dalmatia in 9 CE.


  • Salona was originally in the Roman Senatorial Province of Illyricum, formed in 27 BCE.
  • By 9 CE the Province was split into Dalmatia (the coast), and Pannonia (Inland).
  • Salona had a Mint.
  • The Via Argentaria followed a Roman Trade Route which connected the Mint in Salona via mountain Passes with the Silver Mines in the Dinaric Alps. It also connected to the Mint at Sirmium in Pannonia Inferior.
  • Diocletian (284-304 CE) was born in Salona.

Roman Sites

  • Archeological Park of Salona
    • Public Baths
    • Caesar’s Gate
    • Amphitheatre
    • Basilicas
    • City Walls (originally there were 90 towers)
    • Tusculum Museum


  • Tusculum Museum
    • Located on the Archeological Park of Salona.

Roman Roads



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