Scilly Isles

  • The Scilly Isles are an archipelago of inhabited and uninhabited islands that lie 28 miles (45km) southwest of Land’s End and are part of the County of Cornwall.
  • They were known to the Romans as Scillonia Insula, indicating only one island.


  • The islands appear to have remained unoccupied by the Romans.
  • It was possibly Ictis or Mictis of the Tin Islands of the Ancient Tin Trade of Britannia.
  • A Legend exists in Cornwall about a Lost Kingdom called Lyonesse, which was based on a peninsular that once linked Lands End with the Scillies, but was lost in one night.

Bronze Age Sites

  • Bronze Age Stones
  • Urn Cremations


  • Isles of Scilly Museum
    • Church Street, St. Mary’s, Isles of Scilly.
    • The museum holds a collection of Roman-British Finds.


Isles of Scilly Museum, St Mary’s

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