Second Macedonian War

  • The Second Macedonian War (200-196 BCE) was part of the Macedonian Wars (214-148 BCE) between Rome and Macedonia.

The Reason for the War

  • Rome allied with Pergamum and Rhodes against Philip V of Macedon to force him to withdraw from occupied Greek Cities.


  • In 198 BCE Publius Sulpicius Galba arrived but for two years had no success. A new Commander Titus Quinctius Flaminius started a tactic of removing Philip’s garrisons across Greece, rather than requesting they go, and more Greek Cities allied themselves with Rome.
  • 197 BCE Flaminius’ Legions successfully confronted and defeated Philip’s Macedonian Phalanx at Cynoscephalae in Thessaly.

The Outcome

  • Philip V was forced to agree to a Treaty withdrawing from Greece and disbanding his Navy.
  • However, Rome kept Garrisons at Corinth, Chalcis and Demetias.
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