Seleucia of Pieria

  • Seleucia of Pieria was an important Mediterranean Roman Port located in the Province of Syria, with a road linking it to the Provincial Capital of Antioch, 15 miles (24km) away.
  • It is located in Samandagi, Hatay, Turkey, and is now 4 miles (6 km) to the south of the mouth of the Orontes river.

Roman Sites

  • Titus Tunnel (68-161 CE)
    • The Titus Tunnel consists of two Roman Tunnels and a canal section which is almost 4,600 ft (c.1,400m) long, which drained the Orontes flood waters away from the town into the Outer Harbour.
    • It was commenced by Vespasian in 69 CE and completed by Antoninus Pius in 161 CE.
  • Roman Amphitheatre
  • Roman Necropolis
  • Roman Temples
  • Roman Citadel

Roman Roads

  • Roman Road
    • Seleucia of Pieria-Antioch
    • A road was built along the Orontes valley beside the river to Antioch.


  • Antioch was on the Silk Road to Mesopotamia, and the port Seleucia of Pieria was its link into the Mediterranean.
  • The city consisted of a lower city and an upper city.
  • Mount Casius
    • Behind Seleucea of Pieria is a 5,318 ft (1,621m) Mountain called Mt. Casius, famed in the ancient world for its beauty.
    • From the summit, the dawn could be witnessed, whilst everything below was still completely dark. This brought both the Roman Emperors Hadrian and Julian to visit and view this phenomena.
  • Naval Base
    • Seleucia was the Roman Naval Base for the Classis Syriaca. There was an inner and an outer harbour, similar to that of Portus.
    • The two huge moles protecting the Outer Harbour are still visible from the beach, but the harbour itself has been silted up. However, the Inner Harbour is still intact and filled with water. It is 2,000 ft long by 1,200 ft wide, and was connected by a canal to the Outer Harbour.
    • The Harbour was further expanded under Diocletian and Constantius I Chlorus, the father of Constantine I.
    • It was the Port of disembarkation for the Legions going to or from the Parthian Frontier.
  • Mention in The Bible
    • Seleucia of Pieria, is the Port that Paul of Tarsus set off from in The Bible (Acts 13:4), on the first of his Missionary Journeys.
    • As he returned to Antioch many times, he would have passed through this port frequently.


Seleucia of Pieria, Samandag, Turkey

79 CE
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