
  • Set was an Egyptian God who was the brother of Osiris and Isis and uncle of their son Horus.
  • He was the Egyptian God of disorder and violence.

Relationship of Set with the other Gods

  • He was the son of Nut the sky Goddess, and Geb the Earth God.
  • Set was the husband and brother of Nephthys, and they had a son Anubis.
  • Nut and Geb also produced Osiris and Isis another brother and sister couple who were married together.
  • Set was the brother of Osiris and Isis and uncle of their son Horus.

Conflict with Osiris

  • Set tricked his brother Osiris into entering a coffin, which he then threw into the Nile. The coffin was carried down to the Sea and washed up on the shore of Byblos in Syria.
  • Isis then tracked down the body of Osiris and retrieved and revived him briefly, during which time she became pregnant with Horus, before Osiris passed over to become God of the Afterlife.

Conflict with Horus


  • The Cult of Set was centred on the city of Ombos.

Was Sceptre

  • Set carried the Was Sceptre, which symbolised Power.


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