Shan Hai Jing

  • The Shan Hai Jing means ‘The Classic of Mountains and Seas’ and is a 4th century BCE Book from China.
  • It is a compilation of Chinese mythical geography and Legends. The ancient Chinese categorised it as a Geography.

The Work

  • The Book has 18 Sections, and describes 550 mountains, 300 Channels, 450 Deities, 277 Animal species and 100 countries that China had Diplomatic relations with.
  • Although it originated in the fourth century BCE, it was first edited by Liu Xiang (77-6 BCE) during the Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE). Liu Xiang also compiled a catalogue of the Han Imperial Library.


  • Chapter 1: Classic of the Mountains: South
  • Chapter 2: Classic of the Mountains: West
  • Chapter 3: Classic of the Mountains: North
  • Chapter 4: Classic of the Mountains: East
  • Chapter 5: Classic of the Mountains: Central
  • Chapter 6: Classic of the Regions beyond the Seas: South
  • Chapter 7: Classic of the Regions beyond the Seas: West
  • Chapter 8: Classic of the Regions beyond the Seas: North
  • Chapter 9: Classic of the Regions beyond the Seas: East
  • Chapter 10: Classic of the Regions within the Seas: South
  • Chapter 11: Classic of the Regions within the Seas: West
  • Chapter 12: Classic of the Regions within the Seas: North
  • Chapter 13: Classic of the Regions within the Seas: East
  • Chapter 14: Classic of the Great Wilderness: East
  • Chapter 15: Classic of the Great Wilderness: South
  • Chapter 16: Classic of the Great Wilderness: West
  • Chapter 17: Classic of the Great Wilderness: North
  • Chapter 18: Classic of Regions within the Seas.


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