Shapur I

  • King Shapur I (215-272 CE) was the second King of the Persian Sassanid Empire between c.240-272 CE. He was the son of King Ardashir I (224-242 CE).
  • Shapur I conducted a series of wars against Rome resulting in the Battle of Edessa (260 CE), where he captured the Roman Emperor Valerian and his army of 70,000 men.

Shapur I goes to War against Rome

Battle of Barbalissos (c.250 CE)

  • c.250 CE, Shapur I attacked the Roman Legions at the Battle of Barbalissos, where the Romans lost 60,000 men. Shapur I went on to capture Antioch and ravage Syria, before concentrating on capturing Armenia.
  • By 252 CE Shapur I had turned Armenia into a Persian Client Kingdom.
  • In 253 CE the Roman Senate elected Valerian as Roman Emperor.
  • By 257 CE, Valerian had reconquered Antioch, and moved towards Persia.

Battle of Edessa (260 CE)

Roman Engineering in Persia

  • The captured Legions, numbering up to 70,000 men, were then made to build the city of Bishapur, and the Band-e Kaisar meaning Caesar’s Dam at Shushtar, which still stands today in Iran.

Patron of Mani

  • Shapur I encouraged the spread of Manichaeism, which was a Philosophy and Religion that became very popular in the Roman Empire, before being displaced by Christianity.
  • Mani, the originator of Manichaeism, wrote the Shabuhragan, with six volumes in Syriac and one in Persian, which was dedicated to Shapur I.

Shapur II (309-379 CE)

Shapur III (383-388 CE)

  • Son of Shapur II and reigned for 5 years.


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