
  • Smyrna was an ancient city whose Ruins are located next to the modern city of Izmir in Turkey.
  • It was one of the three important cities in the Roman Province of Asia, along with Ephesus and Pergamon.


  • Ancient Smyrna was ruined by an earthquake in 178 CE and was rebuilt as Roman Smyrna by the Emperor Marcus Aurelius (161-180 CE).

The Greek Site

  • Old Smyrna, or Bayrakli Hoyugu, dates from the 11th century BCE, and is located in the Tepekule area of Bayrakh.

The Roman Site

  • Izmir Agora Open Air Museum
    • Located at Namazgah, Tarik Sari Sokagi No. 29, Izmir.
    • The Agora area
    • Remains of the Basilica gate
    • The Stoa
    • The shopping area

Roman Roads


Izmir, Turkey

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