Solar Eclipse

  • A Solar Eclipse occurs because the Sun, Earth and Moon are in alignment, and is called by astronomers a Syzygy.
  • The New Moon is in a straight line between the Sun and the Earth, and obscures the Sun.

Observation of Solar Eclipses

  • Whereas a Lunar Eclipse is visible during the Full Moon, from any point on the Earth covered in darkness, the Solar Eclipse is not. It can only be seen during the New Moon from certain locations on Earth, which vary from year to year, making observation of a Solar Eclipse very rare, unless you are prepared to travel.

Prediction of Eclipses

  • The Saros Cycle
  • The Eclipse times could be calculated and predicted by the Babylonians and the Ancient Egyptians. They knew that groups of Eclipses reoccur in a cycle that repeats itself just over every 18 years, known as the Saros Cycle. Once the time of a previous eclipse is logged, it becomes possible to calculate the next group of eclipses.

Lunar Eclipse

  • Fifteen days later the Earth will obscure the Sun from the Full Moon, causing a Lunar Eclipse.

Eclipse Season

  • Eclipses of the Sun and Moon can only occur during the Eclipse Season.
  • During the Eclipse Season there will always be one Solar Eclipse and one Lunar Eclipse, sometimes followed by a third Eclipse. (Solar-Lunar-Solar or vice versa).


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