St. Jerome

  • St. Jerome (347-420 CE) also known as Jerome, was born Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus and was a Priest, Theologian and Historian and a Doctor of the Church.
  • He is most famous for producing the Vulgate, a revision of the old Latin Texts of the Vetus Latina, which became the standard Bible Text used by the Roman Catholic Church today.

The Vulgate

  • In 382 CE Pope Damasus I commissioned St. Jerome to revise the Old Latin text of the four Gospels, known as the Vetus Latina, by using the Greek texts.
  • He completed the translation by 384 CE when Damasus I died.
  • In 385 CE he was exiled from Rome and moved to Bethlehem Judaea.
  • Between 390-405 CE he translated the 39 Books of the Hebrew Bible from the original Hebrew.

Works by Jerome

  • The Vulgate Bible
  • De viris illustribus
  • Chronicon

Ages of Man

  • The Five Ages of Man in Greek Mythology were first described by Hesiod in c. 700 BCE. Later St. Jerome added specific dates:
    • Golden Age (c.1710-1674 BCE)
    • Silver Age (c.1674-1628 BCE) ended by the Ogygian Flood.
    • Bronze Age (c.1628-1472 BCE) ended by the Deucalion Flood.
    • Heroic Age (c.1460-1103 BCE)
    • Iron Age (1103 BCE-300 CE)

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