
  • Stilicho (359-408 CE) was a Roman General who was Magister Militum of the Western Roman Empire.
  • Despite his father being a Vandal, his mother was a Roman which allowed him to become the second most powerful man in the West after the Emperor.


  • Stilicho was the senior General for Theodosius I at the Battle of Frigidus (394 CE) against the usurper Eugenius and his General Arbogast.
  • Theodosius I then appointed Stilicho Magister Militum in the West.
  • In 395 CE he was appointed by Theodosius I to act as Regent for the Emperor Honorius, who was too young to rule. He also claimed to have been appointed to act as Regent for Arcadius, Honorius’ brother in the Eastern Empire.
  • He was therefore Supreme Commander of the Western Roman Armies in all but name, and had influence in the Court of the Eastern Empire.
  • His rival was the Praetorian Prefect of the East Rufinus who held the same power as Stilicho because Arcadius was also too young to rule.

The Rise of Alaric the Visigoth

  • In 395 CE Stilicho encircled Alaric and his Visigoths who had invaded Greece. But Rufinus, who commanded the Eastern Army, schemed to persuade Arcadius to make Stilicho recall the troops, thereby releasing Alaric. This plot backfired as the Gothic mercenaries withdrew, and killed their own General, Rufinus.
  • In 397 CE Stilicho defeated Alaric’s army in Macedonia, but Alaric escaped.
  • Also in 397 CE Gildo, the Roman General in Africa rebelled and rerouted the Grain supply to Constantinople instead of to Rome. Stilicho sent an Army against Gildo, commanded by his brother Mascezel, who defeated him and ended the Rebellion.
  • In c. 398 CE Stilicho campaigned in Britannia, but apparently the outcome was not a success.
  • In 398 CE Stilicho married the niece of the Emperor Theodosius I in 398 CE.
  • In 400 CE Stilicho was honoured by being appointed Consul by the Roman Senate.
  • In 401 CE Alaric invaded Italy and besieged the Roman Emperor Honorius in Milan.
  • In 402 CE Stilicho relieved the siege, rescuing Honorius, and defeated Alaric at the Battle of Pollentia, but again Alaric escaped with his army.
  • Stilicho had captured Alaric’s wife, children and family. He offered to return them, provided the Visigoths withdrew to Illyricum.
  • As Alaric retreated he stopped to capture Verona. Stilicho confronted and defeated him again at the Battle of Verona forcing Alaric to leave Italy  since many of his Generals had changed sides.

Sibylline Books

  • The Sibylline Books were a collection of phrophecies, from the Oracle of Apollo at Dardania, written in Greek Hexameter which were consulted by the Roman Senate between 509 BCE-405 CE, whenever there was a major Crisis under the Republic or Empire.
  • In 405 CE They were destroyed by Stilicho because their consultation posed a threat to his Rule.

Stilicho’s fall from Power

  • Either in 405 or 407 CE Stilicho and Alaric signed a Treaty giving Alaric a Title and 4,000 pounds of gold to pay his troops, in exchange for loyalty to Rome.
  • The Roman Senate decided Stilicho was trying to usurp both Honorius, his Emperor and Arcadius in the East and put him on Trial for Treason.
  • In 408 CE Stilicho was executed.


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