Strong verbs

  • Strong verbs are associated with Irregular verbs and weak verbs are associated with Regular verbs.
  • It depends on how the past tense is formed.

Strong Verbs

  • Irregular verbs are referred to as strong verbs. There are approximately 200.
    • The past tense has a different vowel sound, such as -en, -t, -d and -n.
    • Give (Present) Gave (Past Tense) Given (Past Participle)
    • Get. Got. Gotten. (Past Participle)
    • Do. Did. Done. (Past Participle)
    • Lie. Lay. Lain. (Past Participle)

Weak Verbs

  • Regular verbs are often referred to as weak verbs.
    • The past tense or past participle ends in -ed, -d, or -t.
    • Call. Called. (Past Participle)
    • Taste. Tasted. (Past Participle)


  • A Verb ia a word describing an action in a sentence.
  • Verbs have three forms: the Base, the Past, the Past Participle.


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