
  • The Sudd is a huge area of malaria infested impenetrable swamps and marshes on the White Nile in South Sudan.
  • It is located approximately 500 miles (800km) south of Khartoum.


  • The inland delta is roughly 300 miles (480km) long and 100 miles (160km) wide in the dry season, but can expand to five times its size in the wet season.
  • It acted as a barrier to exploring the Nile for centuries. Instead, a Caravan route called the Way of the Forty ran from South Sudan to Egypt and bypassed the Sudd.

The Way of the Forty

  • The Darb el-Arba Camel Caravan Route, meaning in Arabic, ‘the Way of the Forty’, took 40 days, starting from Kobbei in Darfur, Sudan, via the Kharga Oasis and Wadi Howar in the Libyan Desert, and terminating in modern Assiut, on the Nile in Egypt.
  • The Romans built a chain of mud brick Forts to protect the Route.


The Sudd, South Sudan

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