
  • Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus (c.56-c.117 CE) was a Roman Senator and is considered one of the greatest Roman Historians.
  • He was born into an Equestrian family and wrote a biography of his Father-in-Law Agricola, who was Governor of Britannia between 77-85 CE.


  • Annals.
  • Histories.
    • Annals and Histories together cover the Roman Period 14-70 CE.
  • Dialogue and Oratory.  (c.102 CE)
    • A Rhetorical work written in the style of Cicero.
  • Germania. (c.98 CE)
    • Describes the German Tribes, their customs and their country.
  • Agricola. (c.98 CE)
    • This covers the life and military conquests in Britannia of his Father-in-law, Agricola.


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