
  • Taxila was an ancient city which is now an archeological site located 19 miles (32km) northwest of modern Islamabad in Northern Pakistan.
  • The Emperor Chandragupta Maurya (321-297 BCE), Founder of the Mauryan Empire, was educated at Taxila.

Grand Trunk Road

  • The Grand Trunk Road ran for 1,600 miles (2,600km), from Chittagong on the mouth of the Ganges in Bangladesh to Kabul in Afghanistan via the Khyber Pass.

Library of Taxila

  • The Library of Taxila or Takshashila functioned from the 5th century BCE to the 5th century CE.
  • It was the centre of Hindu and Buddhist learning.
  • It held the Vedas, the Eighteen Arts, a Law School, a Medical School, and the School of Military Science.


Archeological site of Taxila

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