Temple of Asclepius in Rome

  • The Temple of Aesculapius (Asclepius) was located on Tiber Island in the middle of the River Tiber in Rome.
  • Started in 293 BCE after a great Plague hit Rome, it was completed in 291 BCE, by order of the Roman Senate after consulting the Sybilline Books.

Getting There

The Site today

  • The Temple was destroyed in c. 1,000 CE and the present Basilica of San Bartolomeo all’Isola was built over it.
  • Today, in keeping with the same theme, a hospital built in 1584 CE, stands on the site of the Temple.
  • The stone Roman prow is still visible under the Basilica where it faces the remaining arch of the Pons Aemilius.


  • The Temple and its facilities covered the entire island, which is boat shaped. An area was set aside for long term patients.
  • There was no charge and the poor and slaves were sent here, however gifts and donations were accepted.


  • A ship was sent to Epidauras to obtain a statue of Asclepius.
  • They also obtained a snake which entwined itself around the mast, like the Rod of Asclepius. On arrival in Rome it slithered onto the island and was seen as a sign sent from Asclepius to build his Temple there.
  • The entire Tiber Island was covered in marble and shaped like a ship as a reminder of this event.
  • It was given a prow and a stern, and an obelisk was placed in the centre to represent the mast.


Tiber Island, Rome

291 BCE
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