Temple of Saturn

  • The Temple of Saturn was built by the last King of Rome, Tarquinius Superbus in c. 497 BCE. It was completely rebuilt in 42 BCE and again in 360 CE.
  • It was the State Treasury of Rome, the Aerarium.

The Roman Site


  • The State Treasury of Rome
    • The Temple of Saturn was the location of the Aerarium, the State Treasury of Rome.
    • All the Gold and Silver Reserves were stored in the Temple under the Republic and the Empire.
  • Under the Roman Republic
    • The Temple was divided into two areas:
      • The Common Treasury: It received the Tributum and Vectigalia.
      • The Sacred Treasury: Aerarium Sanctum: It was created after the Sack of Rome by the Gauls in c. 390 BCE. It was never touched unless The Roman Republic faced an extreme emergency. Its Revenue came from the Lex Manlia 357 BCE which claimed 5% on Roman Slaves who were given Manumissio.
    • The Roman Senate controlled the State Treasury, and elected a Quaestor to manage it.
  • Under the Roman Empire

The Temple of Saturn, Rome

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