The Flood

  • The Great Flood is a story from Chapters 6, 7 and 8 in Genesis, the First Book of The Bible.
  • It describes a period when the seas rose and covered the land, before eventually subsiding.

Noah in the The Bible

  • In the Story, Noah and his family, save each of the species of animals on Earth by building an Ark, which floated for 40 days before the waters subsided.
  • There have been many theories regarding the date and location of The Flood, and the location of Noah’s Ark.

The Three Flood Myths of Greek Mythology

Ages of Man in Greek Mythology

The Five Ages of Man in Greek Mythology were first described by Hesiod in c. 700 BCE. Later St. Jerome added specific dates:

  • Golden Age (c.1710-1674 BCE)
  • Silver Age (c.1674-1628 BCE) ended by the Ogygian Flood.
  • Bronze Age (c.1628-1472 BCE) ended by the Deucalion Flood.
  • Heroic Age (c.1460-1103 BCE)
  • Iron Age (1103 BCE-300 CE)

Flood Myths from around the World

  • Many ancient civilisations held a Flood Myth where the world was destroyed by a divine deluge.
  • The Flood Myth tells of one survivor or survivors who escaped the Flood because they had received a divine warning.


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