The Histories

  • The Histories are a series of works recording the Greco-Persian Wars, by Herodotus (c.484-c.420 BCE).


  • Herodotus was an Ancient Greek historian who wrote The Histories recording the Greco-Persian Wars.
  • Cicero was the first to call him ‘The Father of History’.
  • There were seven known Greek historians before him, according to Dionysius of Halicarnassus, but they tended to concentrate on their own cities or regions.

The Histories

  • Published in c.430 BCE, these recount the stories of the Persian Kings in 9 books named after the nine Muses:
    • Cyrus
      • Book 1: ‘Clio’
    • Cambyses
      • Book 2: ‘Euterpe’
      • Book 3.1: ‘Thalia’
    • Darius
      • Book 3.2: ‘Thalia’
      • Book 4: ‘Melpomene’
      • Book 5: ‘Terpsichore’
      • Book 6: ‘Erato’
    • Xerxes
      • Book 7: ‘Polyhymnia’
      • Book 8: ‘Urania’
      • Book 9: ‘Calliope’


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