The Orb

  • The Orb was a defensive measure used by a unit of the Roman Army to resist attack until reinforcements came.
  • If a unit became detached from the main Force and was surrounded, it formed itself into a circle and this was called the Orb.
  • The Contubernium (Tent group) was the smallest unit of the Legion, consisting of 8 men.
  • These 8 men were commanded by a Decanus, and it would have been his responsibility, if the unit became detached from the Centuria, and perhaps reduced in size, to form the Orb.
  • The men would unite with other detached Contubernia, until the Centuria could be reformed or rescued by a nearby Centuria.

The Cohort System

  • Under the Cohort System, the Generals gave the junior officers their orders before the Battle.
  • The Cohors was big enough to successfully resist full frontal assault or cavalry charges on the flanks.
  • Unlike the previous Maniple System, the Cohors could revolve and face its flanks, or rotate and face an assault from the rear.
  • Each Cohors consisted 480 soldiers comprised of 6 Centuria of 80 men.
  • If the Centuries became separated, the Centurions could later regroup them when the opportunity arose.
  • The Centuria consisted of ten 8 man teams called a Contubernium or Tent group.
  • These 8 man teams were the smallest units in the Roman Legion and were each commanded by a Decanus.


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