
  • Themistocles (524-460 BCE) was the Founder of the expanded Athenian Navy and responsible for the destruction of the Persian Fleet at the Battle of Salamis in 480 BCE.
  • He created the Harbour and Shipsheds of the Pireus with a capacity of over 200 Triremes.

The Athenian Navy

  • In 493 BCE he was elected Archon, or Prime Minister, of Athens.
  • Themistocles built the Defensive Naval Harbour of the Pireus and moved the 70 strong fleet from the unprotected beaches of Phaleron.
  • Although the Persians were defeated at the Battle of Marathon in 490 BCE, Themistocles was unable to find the Funds to expand the Fleet in the face of political opposition, and Athens was vulnerable to another Persian Invasion.
  • However, in 483 BCE the State Silver Mines near Sunium discovered a new seam of silver. Themistocles was able to use the income to develop a Fleet of Triremes.
  • When in 480 BCE, the Persians under Xerxes I invaded Greece, Athens had 180 Triremes. Themistocles allied himself with other Greek cities to create a fleet of 371-8 Triremes, according to Herodotus.

Battle of Salamis (480 BCE)

  • The Athenian Navy defeated a much larger Persian Fleet at the Battle of Salamis.
  • This led to the creation of the Delian League where Athens led approximately 150 Greek cities in Wars against Persia.


Pireus Harbour

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